Charity run


Gymnasium Großburgwedel


The local school, Gymnasium Großburgwedel, that the majority of the active education matters members went to, held a charity run. The students chose three nonprofit organisations – one of which was educations matters. You can find a link to the (german) newspaper article below.

Heres a brief summary: The students ran a total of 11632 kilometers that were honored by a large number of sponsors, resulting in 32.000€ being donated. The money is split between the shool, the animal shelter, a local wild animal protection society and education matters e.V. Education Matters e.V. recieves 4000€ of the sum of donations. It was the second time education matters was chosen to receive part of the donations.

Our thanks go to all donors and especially to the students of Gymnasium Großburgwedel for supporting our efforts.


You can find further information in a german news paper: Spendenlauf 2017

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