Success story Clarissa

Clarissa’s Journey: Overcoming Adversity to Pursue Her Dreams


Clarissa grew up facing difficult circumstances that severely impacted her education. Throughout her school years, she often lacked basic necessities that many of her peers took for granted. This wasn’t due to a lack of effort from her parents but was a result of their financial struggles. She frequently missed family visits on visitation days and was sometimes late returning to school at the start of terms because she didn’t have the required materials.

When Clarissa was finally accepted into YMCA College, a new set of challenges emerged. The daily commute from home to school became a burden, as she didn’t always have money for transportation, forcing her to walk long distances. To make matters worse, the institution didn’t provide lunch for external students, and with no money to buy food, Clarissa often spent the entire day without eating. On top of that, the cost of books and materials for practical exams was beyond her reach.

Thankfully, the organization Education Matters stepped in to support her. They provided regular pocket money and ensured that her tuition fees were paid on time, helping to ease her financial strain.


Despite these many obstacles, Clarissa successfully completed her course in Hotel Management and Institutional Catering. She attributes her success to a few key factors: her strong faith in God, her ability to stay patient and focused, and the encouragement from her parents, especially her mother’s motivating words.

Looking back, Clarissa takes great pride in her educational journey. Through sheer determination, optimism, and the support of her family and generous organizations, she overcame immense hardships. She is especially proud of completing her training as a tourism specialist at the college, which has not only opened up new career opportunities but also deepened her passion for the tourism industry.

Clarissa wuchs unter schwierigen Bedingungen auf, die ihren Bildungsweg erheblich erschwerten. Während ihrer Schulzeit fehlten ihr oft grundlegende Dinge, die für andere selbstverständlich waren. Nicht mangelnde Unterstützung durch ihre Eltern, sondern deren finanzielle Schwierigkeiten führten dazu, dass sie häufig auf Familienbesuche verzichten und oft verspätet nach den Schulferien zurückkehren musste, da ihr die notwendigen Materialien fehlten.

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